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Famous Mythology Tales


  • Category : Kids Stroi
  • Product Code : TTTE47
  • 1 Reviews
196 In Stock

Mythology plays a vital role as it lays the foundation for the faith a religion professes. Festivities are celebrated, and days are observed to commemorate events that have led to ...

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Mythology plays a vital role as it lays the foundation for the faith a religion professes. Festivities are celebrated, and days are observed to commemorate events that have led to specific beliefs and practices. Hindu mythology derives its beliefs from the Vedas as well as the epics, Mahabharata and Ramayana. As we delve into the Hindu Scriptures, we witness the constant battle between good and evil. Further, it also explores the beautiful relationship between the Divine and the devotee.This set of books, developed especially for children, combines colorful illustrations and lucid language and narrates stories of the Gods Krishna, Ganesha, and Hanuman and the epics, Ramayana and Mahabharata.



very good product