- Item Name : Bestatshop - eCommerce Shopping Website + Admin Panel
- Published: 7 November 2023
- Item Version : v1.1.1
- Author : Dreams Technologies
- Support via email: [email protected]
- Support via Codecanyon: Take me there
Bestatshop - eCommerce Shopping Website + Admin Panel.
Bestatshop - eCommerce Shopping Website + Admin Panel (Ionic Android & IOS apps) - CodeCanyon Item for Sale Live Preview Screenshots We will be happy to customize the application for your specific need, please contact [email protected] Bestatshop is an online sales platform that sells wide range of products such as the books, computers, cosmetics and many more. You can search for the required product and purchase according to your needs. As you shop the items, you can add them to the cart and can checkout upon completion. If you are not satisfied with the item purchased, you can go for Returns and Exchange option which is available.
- Framework Laravel 9x
- Bootstrap 5
System Requirements
- PHP version >= 8.0
- Must have SSL enabled on the server
- Database Support MySQL, Mysqli, MariaDB
- MySQL Supported Version: 5.x & 8.X
PHP Extension Requirement
PHP ExtensionCtype
PHP ExtensionFileinfo
PHP ExtensionMbstring
PHP ExtensionExif
PHP ExtensionOpenSSL
PHP ExtensionPDO PHP
PHP ExtensionXML
PHP ExtensionGD
PHP ExtensionJSON
PHP ExtensionIntl
PHP ExtensionSodium
PHP ExtensionCurl
PHP Extension
– Full integration with WooCommerce
– Seamless support for both iOS and Android platforms.
– Social logins via facebook
– Simple and adaptable customization to align with your brand identity.
– Instant push notifications through Firebase.
– Comprehensive support for shipping and discount management.
– Easily manage flexible shipping options through the admin panel.
– Integration of multiple payment methods, including PayPal, Stripe, and Cash on Delivery (COD)..
– Enjoy the convenience of WishLists that synchronize across multiple devices.
– Keep track of your orders with the My Order tracking feature.
- Quick and secure wallet payment options.
Open your PHP configuration file php.ini
and change the following settings:
memory_limit = 64M
max_execution_time = 300
upload_max_filesize = 50M
max_file_uploads = 50
If you are using cPanel, you can follow this article to change your PHP memory limit: https://chemicloud.com/kb/article/how-to-increase-the-php-memory-limit-in-cpanel/
Step 1: Place Files
- Unzip the script which you have downloaded
- Start your xampp or wampp server
- If you are using xampp please put the extracted file inside htdocs folder
Step 2: Configure .env file
Please go to 'your project root' folder and edit the .env file. On this file please update accordingly to your information and save the file.
You must change these values before move forward.
Step 3: Import SQL file
Once database information updated on .env
file then please import the SQL file bestatshop.sql into your database. You will find the file in bestatshop-sql
Step Final
Open terminal from your project root folder
Run composer update
Run php artisan optimize
Run php artisan storage:link
Run php artisan serve
Go to browser and enter localhost:8000
Step 1: Place Files
- Unzip the script inside the public_html folder
- Now copy the .htaccess file from the public folder and paste it into the project root folder
Step 2: Configure .env file
Please go to 'your project root' folder and edit the .env file. On this file please update accordingly to your information and save the file.
You must change these values before move forward.
Step 3: Import SQL file
Once database information updated on .env
file then please import the SQL file bestatshop.sql into your database. You will find the file in bestatshop-sql
Step Final
Open terminal from your project root folder
Run composer update
Run php artisan optimize
Run php artisan storage:link
Run php artisan serve
Go to browser and enter https://your-domain.com/
- Admin Area: yourdomain/admin
- Admin Username: [email protected]
- Admin Password: Admin@123
- 1. Change the following code in
file fromAPP_URL=http://domain.com
. - 2. There have 3 options:
- – Option 1: Add
file - – Option 2: Add to
file following code:FORCE_SCHEMA=https FORCE_ROOT_URL=https://domain.com ENABLE_HTTPS_SUPPORT=false
- – Option 3: If you are using hosting and Cpanel, you can Force HTTPS Redirection for your domains. Check this article.
If it doesn't work, you have to config it in .htaccess
or Nginx config.
Create a Firebase Project:
- Go to the Firebase Console (https://console.firebase.google.com/).
- Click on "Add project" to create a new project.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to set up your project.
Add Your App to the Project:
- In the Firebase Console, select your newly created project.
- Click on "Add app" and choose the platform (e.g., Android).
- Follow the setup wizard's instructions, which may include providing your app's package name and other information.
Download the Configuration Files:
- After adding your app, you'll be prompted to download a
file for your Android app. Place this file in the appropriate location in your Android project.
Set Up Your Android Project:
In your Android project, add the Firebase SDK and other necessary dependencies to your app-level
file. Ensure that you have the following dependencies:implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-messaging:20.1.6' implementation 'com.google.firebase:firebase-core:17.5.0'
Initialize Firebase:
- In your app's main activity or application class, initialize Firebase with the following code in your
Implement Firebase Cloud Messaging:
- Create a class that extends
to handle incoming messages. - Override the
method to process and display the received messages. - You can customize how notifications are displayed and handle custom data payloads here.
Request Necessary Permissions:
- Ensure that your app has the necessary permissions, such as internet and permission to receive push notifications.
Subscribe to Topics (Optional):
- You can subscribe devices to specific topics to send targeted notifications. Use the
method to subscribe devices to a topic.
Test Your Setup:
- Test push notifications using Firebase Cloud Messaging's built-in tools or a Firebase Cloud Messaging API.
Send Notifications:
- You can send notifications to your app via the Firebase Console or programmatically using the Firebase Cloud Messaging API.
Handle Token Refresh (Optional):
- Implement the
method in yourFirebaseMessagingService
to handle token refresh events.
Remember to refer to the Firebase documentation and adapt the steps based on your specific use case and platform. Also, make sure your app's server is correctly set up to send notifications to Firebase Cloud Messaging.
Replace your firebase json credential file into -> public\firebase
- Go to Stripe & create a new account.
- Login to your dashboard & turn your account on by flipping the switch from “Test” to “Live”.
- Click Activate Account in the pop up window to fill out the standard business details Stripe needs to send you payments.
- Once you’ve completed the entire form, click Activate Account.
- Now that your account is live, go to Your Account and click on Account Settings.
- Click the API Keys tab & copy the Live Secret Key & Publishable Key.
Go to
Admin Panel -> Settings -> Payment Settings
, find Stripe and edit the following options:- Stripe API Key - Your Stripe secret api key that starts with pk_
- Stripe Secret Key - Your Stripe secret key that starts with sk_
- Login to PayPal, then click here: https://developer.paypal.com/developer/applications/create
- Set your app name, email address then click Create App.
- On the top right side, you can see two tabs, SandBox and Live, Choose Live.
Go to
Admin Panel -> Settings -> Payment Settings
, find PayPal and edit the following options:- Paypal Client ID - PayPal application ID you created in the previous chapter.
- Paypal Client Secret - PayPal application secret key you created in the previous chapter.
Change app icon and splash screen
- Replace the files in the resources (resources/icon.png) (resources/splash.png) folder with respective size and format.
- https://ionicframework.com/docs/cli/commands/cordova-resources
Change Base URL
- Replace the files in the resources (resources/icon.png) (resources/splash.png) folder with respective size and format.
Open /app/constants.ts file then replace your apiBaseUrl
Change Payment Gateway Keys and Configs
- Before you can build for Android, ensure that you have Android Studio and the Android SDK installed on your system.
- Open a terminal and navigate to your project's root directory.
- Run the following command to add the Android platform to your project:
ionic cordova platform add [email protected]
- Once platform added successfully, In app=>build.gradle need to the following changes compileSdkVersion cordovaConfig.SDK_VERSION ===> compileSdkVersion 31
Replace Whitelist class with AllowList in cordova-plugin-file-transfer > src > android > FileTransfer.java
import org.apache.cordova.Whitelist;
=>import org.apache.cordova.AllowList;
/* This code exists for compatibility between 3.x and 4.x versions of Cordova. * Previously the CordovaWebView class had a method, getWhitelist, which would * return a Whitelist object. Since the fixed whitelist is removed in Cordova 4.x, * the correct call now is to shouldAllowRequest from the plugin manager. */ Boolean shouldAllowRequest = null; if (isLocalTransfer) { shouldAllowRequest = true; } if (shouldAllowRequest == null) { try { Method gwl = webView.getClass().getMethod("getWhitelist"); AllowList whitelist = (AllowList)gwl.invoke(webView); shouldAllowRequest = whitelist.isUrlAllowListed(source); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { } }
Replace Above code with below code it's work s for me
/* This code exists for compatibility between 3.x and 4.x versions of Cordova. * Previously the CordovaWebView class had a method, getWhitelist, which would * return a Whitelist object. Since the fixed whitelist is removed in Cordova 4.x, * the correct call now is to shouldAllowRequest from the plugin manager. */ Boolean shouldAllowRequest = null; if (isLocalTransfer) { shouldAllowRequest = true; } if (shouldAllowRequest == null) { try { Method gwl = webView.getClass().getMethod("getWhitelist"); AllowList whitelist = (AllowList)gwl.invoke(webView); shouldAllowRequest = whitelist.isUrlAllowListed(source); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { } }
More details please refer this issue link: https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-file-transfer/issues/306#issuecomment-884796504
- Please add the google-services.json file in this location platforms/android/app/google-services.json
- Then run your android app to your mobile by running the following command :
ionic cordova run android
- To build for iOS, you must have Xcode and a Mac with macOS installed.
- Open a terminal and navigate to your project's root directory.
- Run the following command to add the iOS platform to your project:
ionic cordova platform add [email protected]
- Once platform added successfully, In app=>build.gradle need to the following changes compileSdkVersion cordovaConfig.SDK_VERSION ===> compileSdkVersion 31
- After the platform is added successfully, do the pod install on the ios folder location.Then Please command three line in Plugins/cordova-plugin-file-transfer/CDVFileTransfer.m
- Then run your android app to your mobile by running the following command :
ionic cordova run android
Please note that our respond can take up to 2 business days.
- Availability to answer questions, Answering technical questions about item’s features, Assistance with reported bugs and issues, Help with included 3rd party assets.
- Any customization request will be ignored.
- Please make sure to read more about the support policy.
If this documentation does not address your questions, please feel free to contact us via email at Item Support Page
We are in the GMT+5:30 time zone and typically respond to inquiries on weekdays within 12-24 hours. Please note that in rare cases, the response time may extend to 48 hours, especially during holiday seasons.
We strive to offer top-notch support, but it's only available to verified buyers and for template-related issues such as bugs and errors. Custom changes and third-party module setups are not covered.
Don’t forget to Rate Bestatshop!
Bestatshop is developed by Dreams Technologies and is available under both Envato Extended & Regular License options.
Regular License
Usage by either yourself or a single client is permitted for a single end product, provided that end users are not subject to any charges.
Extended License
For use by you or one client in a single end product for which end users may be charged.
What are the main differences between the Regular License and the Extended License?
If you operate as a freelancer or agency, you have the option to acquire the Extended License, which permits you to utilize the item across multiple projects on behalf of your clients.
Do you need a customized application for your business?
If you need a customized application for your business depends on your specific requirements and goals, Please contact us.
Customization can be the key to success, ensuring your project perfectly aligns with your unique goals and requirements.
Don't Miss Out on the Benefits of Customization!
Unlock the potential of your project. It's time to ensure that your project isn't just another cookie-cutter solution but a truly unique and effective one.
Discover how customization can make a difference in your project's success. Let's create a solution that's as unique as your vision!
- We'll tailor the application to meet your specific needs and preferences.
- We will upload your website to the server and ensure it is live.
Version 1.0
24 Nov 2020- AddedIntial Release
Thank You
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We hope you're enjoying your experience, and we kindly request that you take a moment to share your valuable review and rating with us.